Thursday, February 28, 2013

February update

Another month has come to an end and that means another update on how I'm doing on my 2013 resolutions. I have to say that I'm really proud of myself for the progress I've been making towards these goals and I'm excited to see what happens as the months continue. I've definitely had some hits and misses over the month, just like last month, but I hope that with enough persistence and determination, I can continue to make progress and be able to get closer to living my ideal life. I know that I'll probably never be perfect, but really who is?

New Years Resolutions 2013
Work out More
  • Jump rope or cardio at least twice a week
  • Ab work out at least twice a week
  • Walk at least a mile at least once a week

    I have still been going to the gym at least three to four times a week. I have been doing ab work outs twice a week and cardio on the days when I'm not doing abs and weights. Today, I ran 3.2 miles in 35 minutes on the elliptical machine. I am really proud of that. It's the best I've done! I did it with positive thinking instead of comparing myself to others. I'm hoping that if I keep up working out like this, I will achieve my goal of doing something athletic. I really have felt like something was missing since I quit roller derby (which, I must admit, was one of the best decisions of my life. I am much happier now that I don't have to deal with drama and hidden agendas and I can live my life as I want to and actually spend my spare time doing what I want to do. Fancy that!) I signed up for my first 5K- the Warrior Dash in April. I am going to train for it so that I don't completely flounder around out there. I'm looking forward to it and hoping that I have a good time!

    Eat Healthier
  • Cut down on cheese and dairy - I have done better on this goal than I have in the past. I used to get three blocks of cheese a week (no joke)  and now I make an effort to limit these meals to a few times a week. I also make an effort to eat meals without cheese. Other than that, I don't eat much dairy.
  • Replace unhealthy foods with healthier ones- I would like to eat less processed food, but finding the time and money is tough and I hate to buy fresh foods and have them spoil. I'm working on this still. I think I'll start by eating more beans instead of processed fake meat and I'll start making my own meat substitutes. I make seitan all ready and enjoy that. I am going to start eating more chick peas and tofu as well.
  • Choose a side besides fries- No fries this month!
  • Use Smaller Plates - I've done pretty well on this, every once in a while I use my "normal" sized plate that came with my main set of dishes, but I am usually pretty good about eating off of a smaller plate.
  • No Seconds- OK I broke this one a few times. But my mom made homemade spinach lasagna. I couldn't resist! 
  • Drink more water - I do need to do better on this one too. I'm planning on buying a few bottles of smart water and keeping them in the fridge. For some reason that works better than any other way I've tried. I guess I could buy a few reusable water bottles and fill them and keep them in the fridge as well. But if I always have them there, I'll be more likely to grab one when I'm heading out.

    Read More
  • Read at least 30 minutes on week nights - I don't exactly read every night, but  I do read for a few hours once a week. I really need to change the wording of this goal to every week day. 
  • Read a book a month- I finished John Dies at the End and am more than half way through Stiff- the Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach.

      Write More
  • Write 750 words a day on - I am very proud to say that I have tied my longest streak of 18 days in a row writing 750 words and will break that streak tonight with day 19. I have only missed three days this month. One was the Superbowl and the other two were when Tyler came to visit for our fake valentine's weekend.
  • write at least a poem a month- I wrote a poem today. I think it's really weird. Maybe one day I'll be more confident in sharing my poetry.

      Wake up Earlier
  • Stop using the snooze button- I use the snooze button at least once a day, I'll admit it. But once is better than the 5+ times I used to use it.
  • Eat breakfast and drink coffee before leaving the house - Once again, I haven't been able to do this, but think it's a great idea. Maybe if I quit hitting my snooze button...
  • Pack lunch before leaving - I've been pretty good about making a lunch the night before or packing left overs.
  • Drink water at work- I drink a smoothie at work almost every day, but I'll try to implement my water bottle plan soon so I'll be able to drink more water as soon as possible.
  • Lay clothes out the night before- I usually at least have an idea of what I want to wear the next day and wear to find it. 
      Spend less time online
  • Limit of one hour per day on frivolous websites - This is on and off. I do need to work harder on this one. But boredom can get the best of me. I do need to try to steer myself in the direction of doing more productive things.
    Be more creative
  • Knit more:
    • complete one project per month- I made a headband for Tyler that he greatly enjoys. I'm talking to him on skype right now and he's totally wearing it, you guys!
  • Paint/ collage:
    • complete one project per month - I thought that I'd failed at this goal, but I realized that I've done some work in my Smash book (kind of like a pre made scrap book) and I think that absolutely counts. I'll post pictures soon!
  • Set up my front bedroom to be a craft room- I looked through my closet and found some canvases that I've painted pictures on. I found some that I don't like and that I want to paint over. I'll use these to make collages in the future (when I can find a good deal on magazines- I really need to check ebay).
    Be more positive
  • work on “happy book”- I haven't added anything to my happy book, but I have pinned some positive thoughts on pinterest. I plan on transferring some of these to my happy book once I can find a good deal on magazines.
  • Write positive notes to self- I haven't written any positive thoughts to myself, but Tyler's Valentine to me was a jar full of really nice thoughts he has about me. It means a lot more coming from someone else. I've taken some of these that he has written and put them on my mirror. It reminds me every day that someone out there thinks these good things about me and I'm sure he's not the only one.
  • Negate negative thoughts with positive ones - I have really been working on this one. I wrote a little about it in my section on working out above. Thinking positive thoughts really is better than putting myself down. I do have to admit though that this has been a really hard month and for one reason or another, I have been really hard on myself and kind of self destructive. I had a kind of "wake up call" and realized how bad these awful thoughts and feelings are for me and how and why it was necessary to change them. So I really will work very hard on this goal in the next few months.
  • No negative comments about appearance- if you slip up fix it with a positive statement or rephrase it. - See above. I see now why I have to change this and will continue to work on it.

    Well that's my progress for February. I'm proud of the work I've been doing. I hope to see continued progress over the next few months. I'm sorry if this post has seemed a little strange, scattered, or clinical. I've been spending most of the day working on an IEP case study for work and it's not the most fun writing in the world. I'm hoping the meeting goes well tomorrow and that it's a great first day of a new month! 

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